My June Ordering Schedule

My June Ordering Schedule

I can’t believe it’s already June! This year has been flying by and I can barely keep up! I have some really fun & big projects that will be released soon as well as a big trip coming up at the end of the month so I wanted to let you know ahead of time my schedule for June. That way if you are planning on ordering invitations for July parties, you can see my deadlines and ordering times.
I will be on vacation and completely closed from Wednesday, June 20th to Friday, June 29th and will re-open June 30th.
As noted in the photo the last day to place an order for PRINTED invitations is Wednesday, June 13th.
The last day to order digital files (from my Etsy shop or through e-mail inquiries) is Sunday, June 17th.
The Etsy Shop will go on vacation the next day on Monday, June 18th.
All printed orders (ordered prior to the 13th) will be shipping out on Tuesday, June 19th.
The store is officially closed on June 20th and will re-open June 30th!
If you are planning on ordering any 4th of July celebration invitations I would start ordering those now!
Business Branding: Packages & Changes in 2018

Business Branding: Packages & Changes in 2018

There’s nothing worse than feeling behind in your work, especially when you’re juggling multiple client projects. For me, 2017 was a learning process with my business branding services. Trying to keep up with 5+ client timelines and deadlines at once can be stressful for a designer, and being in a creative field (especially when this is my side job) where inspiration and ideas don’t always flow freely makes it even more difficult. Believe it or not, designer get writer’s block too!

I realized towards the end of 2017, things needed to change. Before it was just kind of a free for all (I would get an inquiry and say okay and start when they sent me the info), which worked for a while but as I am getting busier and my business is growing that system no longer works. I truly love designing brands for people but didn’t want to drag on projects longer than they needed to be. So things are changing this year and I’m very excited about it!

2018 Business Branding Package

What’s included in a business branding package:

  • Comprehensive questionnaires for your brand and how you value your business.
  • Primary and alternative logo designs, signature patterns, illustrations, type combinations, and brand style guide.
  • Four collateral items of your choice (business cards, social media banners, stationery, up to 5 social media templates, media kit, etc. totally your choice based on what you would use most!)
  • Two week turnaround time
  • Design Files (Vector, PDF, Transparent PNG and JPG)

What will be the pros to this new package?
The new system that I’m implementing this year will:

  1. Make client booking easy
  2. Have a very quick turnaround time
  3. Create consistency
  4. And make the customer (and me!) happy

How do you ask am I going to do this?

I will only be accepting 2 branding clients per month.
This ensures that I am only working on one branding package at a time so I can devote my attention to that.

Two Week Turnaround Time
Back to the only 2 clients per month bit… Each project will take two weeks (10 days total). This is to make sure that everything is done in a timely manner and since I will only be taking on one client at a time I can focus my energy into one project instead of spreading it out between multiple clients

Client Homework
I will have a detailed questionnaire for the client to fill out before the two week design period begins. The homework will need to be completed by Day#1. This will also help speed up the process because a lot of times customers don’t have any starting point so then it just ends up being a lot of back and forth with design logos. Not only is communication key to arriving at an end product that both my client and I are happy with, but it’s easier for me to design for a business whose goals are clearly defined.


  • When you fill out the inquiry form on my website you will be sent a welcome e-mail that entails a lot of what you see here in this post (process, timeline, price, etc.). It will also have available start dates.
  • Once you submit that proposal back to me. You will be sent a contract to sign and an invoice for the first half off the total package. Once the contract is signed and the invoice has been paid you will be scheduled for the time slot you selected.
  • Once the invoice has been paid you will be sent the client homework questionnaire. This will give you time to work on it and ask questions if needed before the two week design period starts. (You will be sent sweet reminders to complete this before day 1)
  • Once the homework is complete, I will have everything I need for Day #1!


  • Days 1-3: brand board
  • Days 3-5: Logo Design Concepts
  • Days 5-6: Logo Edits/Logo Approval
  • Days 7-9: Collateral items (4) Designs/Edits
  • Day 10: File Sharing

This timeline is based on the assumption that the client will respond ASAP when sent design proofs. Since there is a dedicated two week time period per project, I ask that you choose the time slot wisely (for example I wouldn’t pick the two weeks where you might be planning your child’s birthday party or have a trip planned, etc.)

As far as general graphic design work not including branding (logo design, business card design, etc.) or invitations. I will accept projects based on availability at my $65/hour rate.

So, who’s ready to get started? Fill out the business branding inquiry here and let’s get your business branded!

What are the most important marketing materials I need to invest in when starting a business

What are the most important marketing materials I need to invest in when starting a business

In the early stages of starting a business one of the most important things to think about is your branding & marketing materials. Today I am going to share what I feel to be the five most important marketing materials you need to start your business.
Number 1: Logo Design
I’m sure you knew I was going to say that one! It seems pretty obvious that if you are starting a business you need a logo… but you’d be surprised on how many people put it off or create a very low-quality one since it is not their priority. Your logo is going to be the face of your business. It is what people are going to remember first. When you think of some of the larger brands out there like Nike, Starbucks, Apple, you can just see the emblem and automatically you know what company it is. That’s the power behind a great logo design.
Now don’t get me wrong I know that logo designs can be expensive (especially when you are just starting out). Finding a designer that is easy to work with and that is also building their portfolio is a great way to get a fair deal on a logo design. If you are really on a budget there are also a lot of pre-made logo templates on etsy that are good for a temporary design. As your business grows you will want to find a designer that can really create a unique & custom logo just for you (one that you will not want to change in a year!) Trust me when I say a logo design will be one of your best investments for your brand.
Number 2: Business Cards
Another obvious option but extremely important. If you didn’t have a business card how would you leave your information with people? How would they know how to contact you? A business card that displays your brand (see how I tied those two together there!) and your contact info is essential when searching for clients. No matter what business you are in you NEED business cards.
Number 3: Personalized Stationery
While a lot of people might not see this as a necessity, I think it is an important marketing material to help grow your business. If someone is paying you for something whether it’s a custom invitation design, purchasing a necklace from you or signing up for your new fitness program, trust me when I say a personalized, handwritten thank you note goes a long way! It will be much appreciated by the consumer to get a thoughtful thank you card in the mail and it will show that you truly care & value their business. Which in turn will lead to repeat sales and they will tell their friends what great customer service you have!
Number 4: Social Media Accounts
Today, social media is everywhere. If you didn’t already know this you have been living under a rock! Not only is it important to have social media accounts for your business but it is important that they all match together (meaning make sure your branding clearly comes across on all your platforms). You want people to be able to find you easily. Don’t create a complicated instagram handle or use your personal name (unless it’s your business name like mine!) because then how would people find you? In this day, people want information fast and social media is one of the fastest ways to get it!
Number 5: Website
Last, but not least, is a website! While I personally recommend launching everything around the same time some people like to wait a little while for a website since it can be an investment and if I am being honest (depending on your business) you might not need one right off the bat. However, you will definitely need one eventually because it is an essential part of your business. It is a place that you can share all of your work, services you offer, prices and even a place where people can buy your items with a couple clicks! This is a great platform to show potential customers
1. that you are legit,
2. the face behind the business (people relate better if they know who is taking their money!),
3. gives them all the information that they need without sending you millions of questions and
4. is easy for you and others to share with friends & family to let them know about your new venture.
These are my personal opinions on the items that I think are the most important for anyone looking to open their own business (or if you already opened one and are lacking some marketing materials!)
I hope they helped you and encourage you to take the next step in your branding. Whether I am able to help you with your designs or another talented designer is you will not be sorry in investing in your company with great branding & marketing materials.
Are you starting a business? If so, what kind?